Dailan Pugh - Artist

Dailan Pugh Artist


Being raised in an artistic household in dry Victorian bushland and raising orphaned animals, with regular trips to the seashore and into the arid interior, created a strong nexus between art, natural environments and conservation that has directed me down life’s path. I was particularly fascinated by the delicate and intriguing ground orchids, inspiring me to depict them with pen and ink.
On hitchhiking trips to northern Australia I fell in love with the luxuriance and vibrancy of rainforests, moving to north-east NSW in the late 1970’s to live amongst it. It became my muse for drawings, and I became involved in campaigns to save the rainforest.
Living in an old log dump amongst giant ancient eucalypts fringing rainforest at Yabbra instilled in me veneration for their grandeur and the importance of their hollows as homes for a plethora of species, along with a concern for their plight. They became the subject for my exploration of gouache, and oldgrowth forest a focus for my conservation work, resulting in my initiating the North East Forest Alliance in 1989.
In the mid 2000s I was living near the beach and became involved identifying marine sanctuaries in the Cape Byron Marine Park. My exploration of this wonderous parallel world, a desire to promote its beauty and develop my art, lead me to oil painting. In the late 2000s my concerns about the plight of the dying iconic River Red Gums of our inland rivers diverted me into trying to use my artwork to promote their beauty. This led me back to full time forest conservation.

A trip around Australia in the early 2020s inspired me to again focus more on my art, leading to me utilising the arid landscape of Purnululu National Park to explore a freer way to depict the landscape while being able to focus on the details I find fascinating.


2024 - Fleurieu Biennale Art Prize, Finalist (Purnululu Heart)
2024 - Lethbridge Landscape Prize, Salon des Refuses (Gorgeous Purnululu)
2018 - NSW Nature Conservation Council, Allen Strom Hall of Fame, for longstanding service and commitment to conservation
2009 - Clarence Valley Conservation Coalition, Re-Weavers of the Tapestry award, for re-weaving green threads of sustainability back into the earth’s living fabric
2008 - Byron Underwater Festival Marine Visions Art Competition, Environment Awareness Award.
2007 - Tweed Naturally, second place (Resting Wobbegong)
2004 - Pugh’s Frog Philoria pughi named in recognition of conservation efforts
2003 - Australian Government, Order of Australia Medal (OAM) for services to forest conservation
2001 - Australian Conservation Foundation, Peter Rawlinson Conservation Award, for outstanding contributions to environmental conservation
1999 - Big Scrub Environment Centre, Laurie Chelsworth Memorial Award, for sustained voluntary conservation
1994 The Wilderness Society, short-listed Environment Award for Children’s Literature (Secrets of the Rainforest)


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Coral Gardens

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Seaweed Glades

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River Icons

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Sand Cycles

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Hollow Love

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First Love

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Body of Work

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Most of my life has been directed towards active conservation, which leaves limited time for painting. I consider that, at times, the conservation gains I achieve from my activism far outweigh the benefits of my painting in raising awareness. Far better to save a tree or Koala than depict one. I can get a similar feeling of satisfaction from completing a well crafted report or submission as I can from a painting, at times with more significant effect. Though I still have a compelling desire to see where my artwork will lead.I have summarised some of the highlights of my environmental activism.

A Environmentalists Perspective on Conservation in north east NSW
I am constantly writing reports and proposals on issues, a few of which are available here.
For Whom the Bell Miner’s Toll
Submission to the EPA Inquiry: Royal Camp SF
Proposed Sandy Creek National Park
Nefa audit of Cherry Tree State forest
Audit of Whian Whian Private Property
Proposed Tweed-Byron Marine Park

Dailan’s forestry work is in part referred to on NEFA’s website: nefa.org.au


Pugh, D. (1978) Mudbricks, Making and Laying. Compendium, Victoria. 40pp. A manual on the making of, and construction with, mudbricks. Author, illustrator.
Pugh, D. and Ritchie, R. (1981) A Guide to Rainforests of Far North East New South Wales. Rainforest Publishing, Sydney. 45 pp.A visitors guide to rainforests with general discusions and descriptions and maps of rainforest areas and visitor facilities. Co-author, illustrator, map production.
Pugh, C. (1983) A Year of Orchids. Richard Griffin Publisher, Victoria. Contributed botanical illustrations of ground orchids.
Pugh, D. (1985) Focal Peak, rainforests and a remnant volcano. Pp 49-62 in Discovering New South Wales Rainforests, A Touring Walking and Cycling Guide, edited by Angel, J., Raymond, A. and Ritchie, R. Total Environment Centre and Rainforest Publishing, Sydney. A description of the Focal Peak region and a guide for visitors to the area. Also prepared all maps and flora illustrations for the book.
Pugh, D. (1987) Forests, Activity Book. Rainforest Publishing, Sydney. 32 pp. A children's educational activity book on rainforests, wet forests and open forests. Author, illustrator.
Pugh, D. (1987) Deserts and Woodlands, Activity Book. Rainforest Publishing, Sydney. 32 pp. A children's educational activity book on deserts, shrublands and woodlands. Author, illustrator.
Pugh, D. (1987) Wetlands and Heaths, Activity Book. Rainforest Publishing, Sydney. 32 pp. A children's educational activity book on wetlands and heathlands. Author, illustrator.
Royal Botanic Gardens (1989) Getting to know Botanical Gardens Activity Book. Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney. 32 pp. A children's educational activity book on the Royal Botanic Gardens. Illustrator, advisor.
Parnaby, H. (1992) An Interim Guide to Identification of Insectivorous Bats of South-eastern Australia. Aust. Museum Tech. Report 8. Provided illustrations.
Pugh, D and Dunkle, M. (1994) Secrets of the Rainforest. Hyland House, Melbourne. Co-authored and illustrated children's picture book.